RWAP Software
RWAP Software is a division of RWAP Services and publish a wide range of software for the Sinclair QL (and other 1980s home computers), including games and adventures, as well as providing replacement keyboard membranes and second hand items.
RWAP Software have been in existence since 1986, when they were found writing regular reviews for the Sinclair QL magazines of the day (Sinclair QL World, QL User, QL Adventurers' Forum).
As well as publishing their own titles, RWAP Software have brought several titles back to the market, with improvements having generally been made in conjunction with the copyright holders.
The software published by RWAP Software includes:
- 3D Terrain (Create 3D mapping of landscapes)
- Black Knight (Strong chess program written for the Pointer Environment in C)
- Cosmos (Astronomy Program - Create starmaps of the sky)
- D-Day MKII (Table Top Wargame set in World War II with many features)
- Deathstrike (Scrambler-like game)
- Double Block (Tetris clone)
- EVA (Arcade game similar to Jet Pac)
- Flashback SE (Fast easy to use database program)
- FlightDeck (Flight simulator)
- Grey Wolf (Submarine commander simulator)
- Hoverzone (Fly Spaceship and save the planet)
- Image D (Create 3D views of images)
- Jungle Eddi (Colourful Platform Game)
- Night Nurse (Simplistic arcade game)
- Open Golf (Golf game)
- Pengi (Colourful arcade game set in Antarctica)
- ProForma ESCP2 Drivers (Updated printer drivers for Epson printers)
- PWord (Large QTyp English dictionary containing over 564,000 words)
- QHelp (BASIC Help program)
- QIndex (Program to let you enter a topic and find relevent SuperBASIC Keywords)
- QRoute (Route Finder Program)
- QL Cash Trader (Business accounts, including VAT)
- QL Genealogist (Pointer Driven Genealogy program)
- QL Payroll (Payroll program)
- Quick Mandlebrot III (Machine code Mandelbrot program)
- Quizmaster (1980s Pub quiz game)
- QWord (Word Game)
- Sidewriter (Print items in landscape via your printer)
- SToQL (Convert ST images to QL format)
- Stone Raider (Boulderdash-like game)
- War in the East MKII (Table Top Wargame set in World War II)
RWAP Software have also published the SBASICSuperBASIC Reference Manual which contains over 1000 pages of information on programming SuperBASIC as well as several adventures (or updated old favourites) under the RWAP Adventures brand.
Visit RWAP Software site - Software and Second Hand Items for all Retro and Vintage Computers