Home Accounts Manager
Home Accounts Manager was originally published by Dialog Software in 1985 and was heralded as a comprehensive home management system.
The program was designed to help you maintain your household budget and consisted of four main options:
- Home Accounts - allows you to track day to day expenses and collate them - with cheque payments automatically added to the bank account
- Bank Account - you can enter all standard bank transactions as they happen (for example, deposits, withdrawals, cheques and standing orders) and print off up to date bank statements.
- Address File - maintain an address book for up to 50 names, addresses and telephone numbers.
- Utilities - various features, including a loans calculator for working out loan repayments.
Title: Home Accounts Manager
Language: SuperBASIC
Author: Dave James (based on original by Chris Ely)
Publisher: Dialog Software
Year of Publication: 1985
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at June 1985: £19.95
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown