At the moment, we don't know anything about JceSoftware - they may have been linked to the publishing house, JCE which re-released several Sinclair QL books in Italian, including:
- QL Advanced User Guide - 'QL: Guida avanzata'
- Artificial Intelligence on the Sinclair QL - 'Intelligenza Artificiale con il QL Sinclair'
- Discovering the Sinclair QL Computer - 'Alla scoperta del QL il computer Sinclair'
We have found the following software titles (all MISSING IN ACTION), which appear to have been published by JCE / JceSoftware:
- Toto 13 - A poolswinner program
- CONTO CORRENTE - 'Current Account'
- FATTURAZIONE CLIENTI - 'Billing Customers'
- GESTIONE MAGAZZINO - 'Stock Management'
- PRIMA NOTA - 'First Note'
- STAMPA BOLLE - 'Bubble Print'