QL Abacus

QL Abacus by Clare Spottiswoode of Blueprint
QL Abacus is designed to provide an in-depth guide to the Psion spreadsheet program Abacus which was bundled with the Sinclair QL home computer from launch.

The book is an excellent, straightforward guide which covers each function with detailed, practical examples and sample exercises, aimed squarely at the beginner.

Illustrations throughout are by the Sunday Times cartoonist, Derek Adler.

The book forms part of the Blueprint series of books, which provided an excellent reference guide to the Psion suite of programs supplied with the Sinclair QL.

Title: QL Abacus
Author: Clare Spottiswoode of Blueprint
Publisher: Century Communications Limited
Year of Publication: 1984
Commercial Status: Commercial
Cost as at March 1985: £8.95
Reviews: QL User (March 1985)
ISBN: 0-71260-631-9

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