Home Accounts Manager

Packaging for Sinclair QL Home Accounts Manager Inlay for Sinclair QL Home Accounts Manager
Home Accounts Manager was originally published by Dialog Software in 1985 and was heralded as a comprehensive home management system.

The program was designed to help you maintain your household budget and consisted of four main options:

  • Home Accounts - allows you to track day to day expenses and collate them - with cheque payments automatically added to the bank account
  • Bank Account - you can enter all standard bank transactions as they happen (for example, deposits, withdrawals, cheques and standing orders) and print off up to date bank statements.
  • Address File - maintain an address book for up to 50 names, addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Utilities - various features, including a loans calculator for working out loan repayments.

Title: Home Accounts Manager
Language: SuperBASIC
Author: Dave James (based on original by Chris Ely)
Publisher: Dialog Software
Year of Publication: 1985
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at June 1985: £19.95
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown

  • qlwiki/home_accounts_manager.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
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