

Packaging for Sinclair QL Othello by Pyramide Inlay for Sinclair QL Othello
Othello was a 3D implementation of this classic board game by French software house Pyramide.

It is mentioned in the QL World profile on Pyramide in its October 1986 issue, which states that this was written by a craftsman. The computer plays a strong game.

We have preserved both an English and French version of the game.

Screenshot of Sinclair QL Othello by Pyramide
Title: Othello
Language: Unknown
Author: Henri Picot
Publisher: Pyramide
Year of Publication: 1986
Reviews: Unknown
Price as at June 1986: £14.95
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Emulators
Commercial Status: Commercial
Sources Available from: Unknown
Latest Version available from: RWAP Software website

  • qlwiki/othello.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
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