
Star Guard

Packaging for Sinclair QL Star Guard and Galactic Invaders by Shadow Games Inlay for Sinclair QL Star Guard and Galactic Invaders
Star Guard is another shoot 'em up arcade game, which has a type of 3D graphics, where the aliens grow larger as they get closer.

It was supplied complete with Galactic Invaders.

Screenshot of Sinclair QL Star Guard Title: Star Guard
Language: SuperBASIC and Machine Code
Author: Paul Sherwood
Publisher: Shadow Games
Year of Publication: 1985
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Compatibles
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at December 1985: £14.95
Reviews: QL User (December 1985)
Sources Available from: Unknown
Latest Version available from: RWAP Software website

  • qlwiki/star_guard.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/08 13:13
  • by rwap