Datamanagement were based in York and released a range of utilities for the Sinclair QL:
- ANIMAL - Computer Guessing Game written in Archive
- BACKUP - File Backup Program (originally known as MBackup)
- CHARGEN - Character Editor / Generator
- DATABOSS - User Definable Database
- FM - File Management Program
- Finance Manager - Banking Program
- MAILBOSS - Database for Mail Merge Lists
- PROJECT - Colourful Presentation Program
- QLDIARY - Simple Diary Program
- QLFED - Fast File Editor
- QLLIFE - Classic Life Program
- SBEXTRAS - Suite of SuperBASIC Procedures and Functions
- SBUTIL - Suite of SuperBASIC Programming Utilities
- TERMINAL - Terminal Program
- XREF - Cross Reference Tool for SuperBASIC
They also produced the software for the Astracom 1000 modem, including ACPRESTEL and ACTERM and ran their own QL bulletin board, CITADEL.
Their advert in the March 1985 edition of QL User also promised, as coming soon:
We are not certain if these were ever released.