Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Simplex Q+2 ====== The Simplex Q+2 Interface was a solution to the range of interfaces available for the Sinclair QL without a through connector. The Q+2 was a T shaped card, produced by [[qlwiki:Simplex Data Logic Limited]] and plugged into the QL's expansion port, providing two sockets side by side into which you could plug a disk interface and/or memory card. It also has its own external power supply through a connector on the top corner of the case. ---- {{qlwiki:qplus2.jpg?direct&240x224|Simplex Q-Plus-2 Expansion Unit}} {{qlwiki:Simplex Data Qplus2 Interface.jpg?direct&240x180|Simplex Q-Plus-2 Expansion Unit}} {{qlwiki:Simplex Data Qplus2 Interface2.jpg?direct&240x180|Simplex Q-Plus-2 Expansion Unit}}\\ Title: **Simplex Q+2**\\ Interface Type: Expansion Port Adaptor\\ Connection: Sinclair QL Expansion Port\\ Through-Connector: Yes (2)\\ Manufacturer: [[qlwiki:Simplex Data Logic Limited]]\\ Year First Sold: 1985\\ Original Price: £69.90\\ Reviews: QL World (September 1985)\\ Download Manual: Unknown\\ qlwiki/simplex_q2.txt Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:21by