====== ANIMATIONSGRAFIK ====== Inspired by the "Bouncing Boing Ball" demo first seen on the Commodore AMIGA 1000 in 1985 this package was written by [[qlwiki:Urs Koenig]] and published by [[qlwiki:COWO Electronic]] in 1986. As the user-interface was in German the application was only released in the German speaking market (Switzerland, Germany and Austria). //https://youtu.be/ACzIvPAS1dE|Watch this video on You Tube// //https://youtu.be/dAjVWQxSeJU|Watch this video on You Tube// ---- Title: **ANIMATIONSGRAFIK**\\ Language: 68000 Machine Code\\ Author: [[qlwiki:Urs Koenig]]\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:COWO Electronic]]\\ Year of Publication: 1986\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators\\ Price as at December 1985: Unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Sources Available from: n/a\\ Latest Version available from: Unknown\\