====== The DP Collection ====== The Digital Precision Collection was released by [[qlwiki:Digital Precision Ltd|Digital Precision Limited]] at a point shortly before they stopping trading. It was a complete collection of (almost?) everything that DP ever sold and came on 10 floppy discs. Disc 1 contained a boot program and an unzip utility to allow users to extract the files as everything had been zipped to fit onto as few discs as possible. In an effort to save as much space as possible, manuals did not necessarily come on the same disc as the programs to which they related. The following tables details the contents of each of the 10 discs and where known, a small description of the program is given. If you have knowledge of the missing descriptions, please feel free to update the tables. ==== Disc 1 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |BIBLE1_zip|Text of the King James VI edition of the bible.| |BIBLE2_zip|Text of the King James VI edition of the bible.| |BIBLE3_zip|Text of the King James VI edition of the bible.| |BIBLE4_zip|Text of the King James VI edition of the bible.| |BOOT|Initial BOOT file.| |BOOT2|Secondary BOOT file.| |HPDRIVER_zip|| |MAILMANUAL_zip|| |PUBTOOLBOX2MANUAL_zip|Publishers' Toolbox Manual.| |SUCCESS_zip|| |SUCCESSMANUAL_zip|Success manual.| |UNZIP|Utility to unzip the various programs and/or manuals.| |XREFMANUAL_zip| |XTRAS|[[qlwiki:Turbo]] Toolkit part 1.| |XTRAS2|[[qlwiki:Turbo]] Toolkit part 2.| |XTRAS3|[[qlwiki:Turbo]] Toolkit part 3.| |ZZIP_zip|| ==== Disc 2 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |ACT_zip|[[qlwiki:ACT The Adventure Creation Tool]].| |PERFPLUSSE_zip| Perfection Plus Special Edition - Word Processor.| |QFLICKMANUAL_zip|| ==== Disc 3 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |ARCHDEVMANUAL_zip|| |CPORT_zip|[[qlwiki:SuperBASIC CPORT]] | |PERFPLUSSEMANUAL_zip|Manual for Perfection Plus Special Edition.| |QM1_zip|| ==== Disc 4 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |DBANAL_zip|| |PP_zip|| |PUBTOOLBOX1_zip|Publishers' Toolbox Part 1| |PUBTOOLBOX2_zip|Publishers' Toolbox Part 2| |PUBTOOLBOX3CUT_zip|Publishers' Toolbox Part 3| ==== Disc 5 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |CT_zip|| |QM2_zip|| |QM2ABA_zip|| |TURBO_zip|The [[qlwiki:Turbo]] compiler. (Now very much out of date!)| |TURBOMANUAL_zip|Manual for the [[qlwiki:Turbo]] compiler.| |TURBO2MANUAL_zip|Manual for the [[qlwiki:Turbo]] compiler.| ==== Disc 6 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |3DP_zip|| |ACTMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:ACT The Adventure Creation Tool]].| |GAMES_zip|| |LNGSE_zip|[[qlwiki:Lightning]].| |PAMANUAL_zip|| |PPMANUAL_zip|| |PUBTOOLBOX1MANUAL_zip|Manual for Publishers' Toolbox Part 1| |QM2MANUAL_zip|| |SPEDMANUAL_zip|| ==== Disc 7 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |ARCHDEV_zip|| |COMP_zip|| |CONQMANUAL_zip|| |GRAFIX_zip|| |MB_zip|| |MMSE_zip|[[qlwiki:Media Manager]] Special Edition.| |NAMES_zip|| |QLQL_zip|| |QM1MANUAL_zip|| |SPC_zip|| |SPED_zip|| ==== Disc 8 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |ARCHTUT_zip|| |CONQSE_zip|[[qlwiki:PC Conqueror]] Special Edition - MSDOS Emulator| |CONQ_zip|[[qlwiki:PC Conqueror]] - MSDOS Emulator.| |DATAPP_zip|| |DTQD_zip|| |HB_zip|| |LNGSEMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:Lightning]] Special Edition.| |MBMANUAL_zip|| |MMSEMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:Media Manager]] Special Edition.| |PAYROLL_zip|[[qlwiki:QL Payroll]].| |PEDITMANUAL_zip|| |PPT_zip|| |QFLICK_zip|| |SPCMANUAL_zip|| |UP_zip|| ==== Disc 9 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |3DPMANUAL_zip|| |ARCHTUTMANUAL_zip|| |BB_zip|| |COMPMANUAL_zip|| |CONQSEMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:PC Conqueror]] Special Edition.| |COPYMANUAL_zip|| |COPY_zip|| |CPORTMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:SuperBASIC CPORT]].| |CTMANUAL_zip|| |DATAPPMANUAL_zip|| |DBANALMANUAL_zip|| |DTQDMANUAL_zip|| |EYEQMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:Eyeq]].| |EYEQ_zip|[[qlwiki:Eyeq]] bitmap graphics editor.| |FEMANUAL_zip|| |FE_zip|| |HBMANUAL_zip|| |HEX_zip|| |MAIL_zip|| |NAMESMANUAL_zip|| |PAYROLLMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:QL Payroll]].| |PEDIT_zip|| |PPTMANUAL_zip|| |PUBTOOLBOX3_zip|| |QKICKMANUAL_zip|| |QKICK_zip|| |QLQLMANUAL_zip|| |QMON2MANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:QMON2]].| |RECOVERMANUAL_zip|| |RECOVER_zip|| |SBMONMANUAL_zip|| |SBMON_zip|| |SEDITSPMANUAL_zip|| |SEDITSP_zip|| |SF_zip|| |SPIDISMANUAL_zip|| |SPIDIS_zip|| |SSGMANUAL_zip|Manual for [[qlwiki:Super Sprite Generator]].| |SSG_zip|[[qlwiki:Super Sprite Generator]].| |TFRSEMANUAL_zip|| |TFRSE_zip|| |TK3MANUAL_zip|| |TK3_zip|| |UPMANUAL_zip|| |XREF_zip|| ==== Disc 10 ==== ^Filename^Description^ |DICS_zip|[[qlwiki:Perfection]] additional dictionaries.| |PA_zip|[[qlwiki:Professional Astrologer]].| |QMON2_zip|[[qlwiki:QMON2]] Monitor.|