====== Practical Guide to QL Graphics and Sound ====== {{books:0-582-29664-1.jpg?direct|Practical Guide to QL Graphics and Sound by Alan Shinwell}}\\ The Practical Guide to QL Graphics and Sound is a very useful handbook on how to how to program the Sinclair QL's graphics and sound, including visual effects for games, educational and business programs. It includes the use of QL Easel to produce graphs which can be utilised for business. Part of the 'Working with the Sinclair QL Series' ---- Title: **Practical Guide to QL Graphics and Sound**\\ Author: Alan Shinwell\\ Publisher: Longman Group Limited\\ Year of Publication: 1985\\ Commercial Status: Commercial\\ Price as at May 1985: Unknown\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ ISBN: 0-582-29664-1