====== Question Master ====== Question Master is a quiz program written by C B Storey and published by [[qlwiki:Dilwyn Jones Computing]] in 1991. The main program disk contains the quiz program and a quiz on capital cities (20 questions with multiple choice (3) answers). The program includes the ability to edit quizzes and to create your own quiz. A separate related disk entitled 'QUIZ SET 1 GEN. KNOWLEDGE' (also shown on this page) contains a question and answer set on general knowledge. There were also separate question and answer sets on Classical Music and the QL. It is not known if other quiz sets were available. {{:qlwiki:questionmaster_screen1.jpg?200|}} {{:qlwiki:questionmaster_screen2.jpg?200|}} {{:qlwiki:questionmaster_main.jpg?200|}} {{:qlwiki:questionmaster_set1_disk.jpg?200|}} ---- Title: Question Master\\ Language: Mainly SuperBasic\\ Author: C B Storey\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:Dilwyn Jones Computing]]\\ Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators\\ Commercial Status: Unknown\\ Price: Unknown\\ Review: QL Leisure Review, issue 2 [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/mags/qllr/qllr2.pdf]]:\\