====== Squidgy Round The World ====== Squidgy Round The World published by CGH Services was a 50 flick screen maze puzzle game. The main character Squidgy travels around the world and has to collect various items before he can reach the exit. ---- Title: **Squidgy Round The World**\\ Language: SuperBASIC Compiled with [[qlwiki:Turbo]]\\ Author: Michael Crowe\\ Publisher: [[qlwiki:CGH Services]]\\ Year of Publication: 1992\\ Platforms Suitable for: Sinclair QLs and emulators\\ Commercial Status: Freeware\\ Price as at January 1992: £10.00\\ Reviews: Sinclair QL World January 1992\\ Sources Available from: n/a\\ Latest Version available from: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/games/|Sinclair QL Homepage]]