====== Trump Card ====== The QL Trump Card from [[qlwiki:Miracle Systems]] soon became the standard expansion interface for the Sinclair QL, incorporating [[qlwiki:Toolkit II]], a floppy disk interface and breaking through the 512K memory barrier on the QL, providing an additional 768K memory. This meant that for the first time, the Sinclair QL could have 896K memory, plus Toolkit II on ROM and access to disk drives, all on one small card which plugged into the expansion bus. The additional memory also increased the speed of the QL. Other people released updated ROMs for the Trump Card, which provided Level-2 Drivers (allowing you to control sub-directories) and built in device drivers to access PC disks. The Trump Card was also released as Trump Card 2, which worked more quickly. The [[qlwiki:Miracle Disk Expander]] could be used with the Trump Card to provide it with the ability to control up to 4 floppy disk drives. The Trump Card remained the mainstay of the average Sinclair QL user, until [[qlwiki:Miracle Systems]] released the later [[qlwiki:Gold Card]] and [[qlwiki:Super Gold Card]] interfaces. ---- {{qlwiki:trump_card.jpg?direct&240x136 |Trump Card}} {{qlwiki:SinclairQL-TrumpCard2.jpg?direct&240x136|Trump Card 2}} {{:qlwiki:trumpcard_front.jpg?400|Trump Card Front}} {{:qlwiki:trumpcard_back.jpg?400|Trump Card Back}} Title: **Trump Card**\\ Interface Type: Floppy Disk Interface and Memory Expansion\\ Connection: Sinclair QL Expansion Bus\\ Through-Connector: No\\ Manufacturer: [[qlwiki:Miracle Systems]]\\ Year First Sold: 1987\\ Original Price: £199\\ Reviews: Unknown\\ Download Manual: [[http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/docs/manuals/Miracle%20Systems%20Trump%20Card.pdf|Trump Card Manual - PDF]]\\ Accompanying Software: None\\