QLOAD, QMERGE and QSAVE are complimentary procedures which load, merge and save SuperBASIC programs extremely quickly. They do this by working directly with the internal tokenised form of the program and thus, when loading, no time is wasted parsing and tokenising the code.
If you have files with an extension of '_sav', then it is probable that these have been Qsaved.
Files saved with QSAVE can also be used by Q-Liberator for compiling, rather than using the normal two step compilation process. Liberation Software were the original authors of the toolkit which also included the QREF procedure to create a cross reference of a SuperBASIC program..
QLOAD, QSAVE and QMERGE are now built in to SMSQ/e.
The files produced by QSAVE cannot be viewed in a text editor as they are in binary format. A document explaining the internals can be found at http://www.dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk/docs/formats/savfiles.doc - the text of which appears below, written by Dilwyn Jones with program code by Norman Dunbar and Dilwyn Jones.
This article was originally published in Quanta magazine.
A member on the ql-users mailing list recently raised the issue of decoding tokenised SBASIC programs. These are BASIC program files, saved with the QSAVE command, which are designed to load faster than ordinary plain text BASIC programs saved with the ordinary SAVE command. When I looked into it, I found there wasn't really much by way of publically available documentation on the _sav file format.
QSAVE works by saving the program in pretty much the same way as it is stored in memory, with the procedures, functions, extensions and keywords all stored as tokens. This lets the BASIC interpreter load the program without having to "tokenise" the plain text version of the program - it saves a lot of processing and is particularly effective on slower systems.
QSAVE and QLOAD extensions were originally supplied as a small software package by Liberation Software Software (publishers of the Qliberator compiler) for the original QL. LOADing SuperBASIC programs was quite slow with long programs on a QL, so Liberation Software released this handy little utility package, which also included a utility called QREF for listing names of variables, procedures, functions, etc. Lots of us still use it today!
A QSAVE _sav file has a table header which includes some name table information at the beginning of the file, which includes information such as the number of name table entries for this program, the name table length and the number of lines in the BASIC program. Then comes the name table itself - the list of names used by the program. The rest of the file is basically a copy of the BASIC program in a very similar format to that in which it is stored in memory.
I am very grateful to Per Witte and Norman Dunbar who sent me all sorts of useful information to help me understand the file format. Both sent me programs to help with decoding the programs. Norman wrote a program many years ago to decode these _sav files and as he hadn't updated it for SBASIC, I tentatively volunteered to update it. As it happened, it had been written so well originally that all I had to do was make fairly small changes to allow it to handle two new facilities in SBASIC (integer and hex constants) and change a couple of variable names to avoid clashes with new extension names in SBASIC. Norman kindly gave me permission to publish the new listing. There's also a wealth of information in the Jan Jones book, QL SuperBASIC (The Definitive Handbook) in Appendix C which lists the tokens used to store a SuperBASIC program.
The following comments were received by me (Norman) in an email, regarding the details in this Wiki page. Unfortunately, I have no way to confirm them, so I present theme here for your perusal. Thanks to Ralf for bringing them to my attention. Anything you see below in italics is from me.
QMERGE only exists in SMSQ/E. Tony Tebby has re-written the QLOAD suite, because the original extension from Liberation Software seemed to require an original QL ROM (source: "A brief history" from TT (Tony Tebby). I do not know more details but wish to do so.
The big disadvantage of QLOAD in SMSQ/E (IMHO) compared with the original extension is, that if you QLOAD something on a QL and have used toolkit PROCs/FNs, which are not loaded first, the message "Extensions missing!" occur in #0, followed by the names. This is very practical and I do not know, why TT has omitted that in his version. This has helped me a lot during programming S_Edit on QL, as there were several extensions to load first and sometimes I forgot to load this or that first. Neither WL (Wolfgang Lenerz) nor MK(Marcel Kilgus) have sent me an answer to that question. I can ask TT, but he is very slow in answering things. I just wonder, why I seem to be the only person, who remarked this omission.
_sav Files could be used by QLiberator, but just from v.3.xx onwards, where the new front end is. Older versions need the temporary _wrk work file, done (created) with the keyword "Liberate". _wrk and _sav are identical.
The tokens are represented by special values in memory. For example, the kyword "REMark" is not stored as the word REMark, but rather as a two byte value, hex 811e.
Now this sounds awfully complex, and in one way it is - you have to be able to understand hex numbers to follow much of this, as you have to follow a trail of hexadecimal values to decode a tokenised SuperBASIC program. Or SBASIC program - the basic file format is essentially the same, just that SBASIC has added a few new tokens for binary and hexadecimal constants using the % and $ prefixes for values, e.g. %1111 or $F to represent the decimal value 15.
Don't worry too much if you don't understand all this - you can still use the program and try to follow how it is decoding the file. This might be useful to those who might like to use it to help them write a program to handle and manipulate these programs, e.g. advanced users might like to try to write a program which copies and pastes whole routines, or builds libraries of routines, a kind of basic development environment, even!
The tokens which represent the various keywords, operators, separators, names and so on all start with $8xxx. The second "nybble" in the hex value indicates the group or type of name:
$80xx indicates number of consecutive spaces $81xx keywords $82xx unused $83xx unused $84xx symbol identifier $85xx operator $86xx monadic operators $87xx unused $8800 xxxx Names - Number of entry in name table $89xx unused $8Axx unused $8Bddxxxx... strings. Dd = delimiter character, xxxx = string length. ...=bytes of string. $8C00xxxx text. Xxxx = text length. $8D00xxxx Line number $8Exx Separators $8F... Floating point value, top 4 bits indicate if a float, binary, or hex representation
These are explained in more detail in the Jan Jones book, but are also quite easy to follow in Norman's listing below.
The procedure called Decode_Header decodes the short header with name table information. It tries to identify the file as a _sav file by looking at the first four bytes of the file in line 310, but two of these bytes can vary depending on how old the particular file version is - if you know of any other values to check for here, let me know! Then, the Decode_Name_Table routine wades through the name table list, and finally the Decode_Program routine steps through the program changing it back to plain text. Which is essentially what this program does - decodes a _sav file into an ordinary untokenised BASIC program.
The program is well commented (thanks, Norman!) to help you follow what it does.
After the Decode_Program routine comes a series of routines such as Multi_Spaces and Keywords which show how to handle the various tokens. At the end of the listing comes an initialisation routine which has a list of the keywords, operators and separators corresponding to token values.
Click the filename below to download the code. You will require dj_toolkit_djtk to run it.
100 REMark _SAV file decoder 110 : 120 CLS 130 PRINT 'SAV File Decoder'\\ 140 INPUT 'Which _sav file ? ';sav$ 150 IF sav$ = '' THEN STOP: END IF 160 : 170 initialise 180 decode_header 190 IF NOT _quit 200 decode_name_table 210 decode_program 220 END IF 230 RELEASE_HEAP float_buffer 240 CLOSE #3 250 : 260 DEFine PROCedure decode_header 270 LOCal head$(4), name_table_length 280 _quit = 0 290 OPEN_IN #3,sav$ 300 head$ = FETCH_BYTES(#3, 4) 310 IF (head$ <> 'Q1' & CHR$(0) & CHR$(0)) AND (head$ <> 'Q1' & CHR$(2) & CHR$(192)) AND (head$ <> 'Q1'& CHR$(3) & CHR$(128)) 320 PRINT head$, head$(1);head$(2)!!CODE(head$(3))!CODE(head$(4))\ 330 PRINT sav$ & ' is not a SAV file, or has a new flag.' 340 CLOSE #3 350 _quit = 1 360 RETurn 370 END IF 380 name_table_entries = GET_WORD(#3) 390 name_table_length = GET_WORD(#3) 400 program_lines = GET_WORD(#3) 410 max_name_size = name_table_length - (4 * name_table_entries) / name_table_entries 420 : 430 PRINT sav$ 440 PRINT 'Number of name table entries : '; name_table_entries 450 PRINT 'Name table length : '; name_table_length 460 PRINT 'Number of program lines : '; program_lines 470 PRINT 480 : 490 DIM name_table$(name_table_entries -1, max_name_size) 500 float_buffer = RESERVE_HEAP(6) 510 _quit = (float_buffer < 1) 520 END DEFine decode_header 530 : 540 DEFine PROCedure decode_name_table 550 LOCal x, name_type, line_no, name_length, name$, lose_it$(1) 560 LOCal num_procs, num_fns 570 num_procs = 0 580 num_fns = 0 590 FOR x = 0 TO name_table_entries -1 600 name_type = GET_WORD(#3) 610 line_no = GET_WORD(#3) 620 name_length = GET_WORD(#3) 630 name$ = FETCH_BYTES(#3, name_length) 640 IF name_length && 1 650 lose_it$ = INKEY$(#3) 660 END IF 670 IF name_type = 5122 THEN num_procs = num_procs + 1 680 IF name_type >= 5377 AND name_type <= 5379 690 num_fns = num_fns + 1 700 END IF 710 PRINT x;' Name type = '; HEX$(name_type, 16) & ' '; 720 PRINT 'Line number = '; line_no & ' '; 730 PRINT 'Name length = '; name_length; ' '; 740 PRINT 'Name = <' & name$ & '>' 750 name_table$(x) = name$ 760 END FOR x 770 PRINT 'There are ' & num_procs & ' PROCs' 780 PRINT 'There are ' & num_fns & ' FNs' 790 END DEFine decode_name_table 800 : 810 : 820 DEFine PROCedure decode_program 830 LOCal x, type_byte, program_line 840 : 850 REMark WORD = size change 860 REMark LONG = $8D00.line number 870 REMark rest of line 880 : 890 REPeat program_line 900 IF EOF(#3) THEN EXIT program_line: END IF 910 line_size = line_size + GET_WORD(#3) 920 IF line_size > 65536 THEN line_size = line_size - 65536: END IF 930 IF GET_WORD(#3) <> HEX('8d00') 940 PRINT 'Program out of step.' 950 CLOSE #3 960 STOP 970 END IF 980 PRINT GET_WORD(#3); ' '; 990 line_done = 0 1000 REPeat line_contents 1010 type_byte = CODE(INKEY$(#3)) 1020 SELect ON type_byte 1030 = HEX('80'): multi_spaces 1040 = HEX('81'): keywords 1050 = HEX('84'): symbols 1060 = HEX('85'): operators 1070 = HEX('86'): monadics 1080 = HEX('88'): names 1090 = HEX('8B'): strings 1100 = HEX('8C'): text 1110 = HEX('8E'): separators 1120 = HEX('D0') TO HEX('DF') : floating_points 1 : REMark % binary number 1130 = HEX('E0') TO HEX('EF') : floating_points 2 : REMark $ hex number 1140 = HEX('F0') TO HEX('FF') : floating_points 3 : REMark floating point 1150 END SELect 1160 IF line_done THEN EXIT line_contents: END IF 1170 END REPeat line_contents 1180 END REPeat program_line 1190 END DEFine decode_program 1200 : 1210 : 1220 DEFine PROCedure multi_spaces 1230 : 1240 REMark $80.nn = print nn spaces 1250 : 1260 PRINT FILL$(' ', GET_BYTE(#3)); 1270 END DEFine multi_spaces 1280 : 1290 : 1300 DEFine PROCedure keywords 1310 : 1320 REMark $81.nn = keyword$(nn) 1330 : 1340 PRINT keyword$(GET_BYTE(#3));' '; 1350 END DEFine keywords 1360 : 1370 : 1380 DEFine PROCedure symbols 1390 LOCal sym 1400 : 1410 REMark $84.nn = symbol$(nn) 1420 : 1430 sym = GET_BYTE(#3) 1440 PRINT symbol$(sym); 1450 line_done = (sym = 10) 1460 END DEFine symbols 1470 : 1480 : 1490 DEFine PROCedure operators 1500 : 1510 REMark $85.nn = operator$(nn) 1520 : 1530 PRINT operator$(GET_BYTE(#3)); 1540 END DEFine operators 1550 : 1560 : 1570 DEFine PROCedure monadics 1580 : 1590 REMark $86.nn = monadic$(nn) 1600 : 1610 PRINT monadic$(GET_BYTE(#3)); 1620 END DEFine monadic 1630 : 1640 : 1650 DEFine PROCedure names 1660 LOCal ignore 1670 : 1680 REMark $8800.nnnn = name_table$(nnnn) 1690 : 1700 ignore = GET_BYTE(#3) 1710 ignore = GET_WORD(#3) 1720 IF ignore > 32768 THEN ignore = ignore - 32768: END IF 1730 PRINT name_table$(ignore); 1740 END DEFine names 1750 : 1760 : 1770 DEFine PROCedure strings 1780 LOCal delim$(1), size 1790 : 1800 REMark $8B.delim.string_size = 'delim'; string; 'delim' 1810 : 1820 delim$ = INKEY$(#3) 1830 size = GET_WORD(#3) 1840 PRINT delim$; FETCH_BYTES(#3, size); delim$; 1850 IF size && 1 1860 size = GET_BYTE(#3) 1870 END IF 1880 END DEFine strings 1890 : 1900 : 1910 DEFine PROCedure text 1920 LOCal size 1930 : 1940 REMark $8C00.size = text 1950 : 1960 size = GET_BYTE(#3) 1970 size = GET_WORD(#3) 1980 PRINT FETCH_BYTES(#3, size); 1990 IF size && 1 2000 size = GET_BYTE(#3) 2010 END IF 2020 END DEFine text 2030 : 2040 : 2050 DEFine PROCedure separators 2060 : 2070 REMark $8E.nn = separator$(nn) 2080 : 2090 PRINT separator$(GET_BYTE(#3)); 2100 END DEFine separators 2110 : 2120 : 2130 DEFine PROCedure floating_points (fp_type) 2140 REMark modified for % and $ SBASIC values 22.01.10 - DJ 2150 LOCal number$(6),fpt 2160 fpt = fp_type : REMark to avoid SEL ON last parameter issue later 2170 : 2180 REMark fp_type=... 2190 REMark $Dx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx - %binary number 2200 REMark $Ex.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx - $hex number 2210 REMark $Fx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx - need to mask out the first $F ! 2220 : 2230 MOVE_POSITION #3, -1: REMark back up to the first byte 2240 number$ = FETCH_BYTES(#3, 6) 2250 number$(1) = CHR$( CODE(number$(1)) && 15) 2260 POKE_STRING float_buffer, number$ 2270 SELect ON fpt 2280 =1 : PRINT '%';LTrim$(BIN$(PEEK_FLOAT(float_buffer),32)); 2290 =2 : PRINT '$';LTrim$(HEX$(PEEK_FLOAT(float_buffer),32)); 2300 =3 : PRINT PEEK_FLOAT(float_buffer); 2310 END SELect 2320 END DEFine floating_points 2330 : 2340 DEFine FuNction LTrim$(str$) 2350 REMark added 22.01.10 for % and $ values - DJ 2360 REMark remove leading zeros from binary or hex strings 2370 LOCal a,t$ 2380 t$ = str$ : REMark full length by default 2390 FOR a = 1 TO LEN(t$) 2400 IF t$(a) <> '0' THEN t$ = t$(a TO LEN(t$)) : EXIT a 2410 NEXT a 2420 t$ = '0' : REMark in case it was all zeros 2430 END FOR a 2440 RETurn t$ 2450 END DEFine LTrim$ 2460 : 2470 DEFine PROCedure initialise 2480 LOCal x 2490 : 2500 _quit = 0 2510 last_line_size = 0 2520 line_size = 0 2530 name_table_entries = 0 2540 : 2550 RESTORE 2580 2560 DIM keyword$(31, 9) 2570 FOR x = 1 TO 31: READ keyword$(x): END FOR x 2580 DATA 'END', 'FOR', 'IF', 'REPeat', 'SELect', 'WHEN', 'DEFine' 2590 DATA 'PROCedure', 'FuNction', 'GO', 'TO', 'SUB', '', 'ERRor', '' 2600 DATA '', 'RESTORE', 'NEXT', 'EXIT', 'ELSE', 'ON', 'RETurn' 2610 DATA 'REMAINDER', 'DATA', 'DIM', 'LOCal', 'LET', 'THEN', 'STEP' 2620 DATA 'REMark', 'MISTake' 2630 : 2640 DIM symbol$(10) 2650 symbol$ = '=:#,(){} ' & CHR$(10) 2660 : 2670 DIM operator$(22, 5) 2680 FOR x = 1 TO 22: READ operator$(x): END FOR x 2690 DATA '+', '-', '*', '/', '>=', '>', '==', '=', '<>', '<=', '<' 2700 DATA '||', '&&', '^^', '^', '&', 'OR', 'AND', 'XOR', 'MOD' 2710 DATA 'DIV', 'INSTR' 2720 : 2730 DIM monadic$(4, 3) 2740 FOR x = 1 TO 4: READ monadic$(x): END FOR x 2750 DATA '+', '-', '~~', 'NOT' 2760 : 2770 DIM separator$(5, 2) 2780 FOR x = 1 TO 5: READ separator$(x): END FOR x 2790 DATA ',', ';', '\', '!', 'TO' 2800 : 2810 END DEFine initialise