3D Slime
3D Slime is a 3D arcade action game from Datalink Systems Wales, where you have been captured by Rorick and forced into robot city to steal the master's purple pyramids, without getting smothered by the robotic spheres which seek to flatten you.
Your movement is described as flollopping - presumably this word comes from the movement of the odd little character which you play - a particularly corrosive blob of slime from Vega 3 - he bounces, but as he lands he flattens out !!
The program had an "office" feature where workers afraid of their bosses could press F5 and the game paused, replacing its display with something like a spreadsheet (Megacalc IV).
Title: 3D Slime
Language: SuperBASIC compiled with SuperCharge
Author: Unknown
Publisher: Datalink Systems Wales
Year of Publication: 1986
Reviews: Sinclair QL World May 1986
Price as at September 1985: Unknown
Platforms Suitable for: Sinclair QLs and Q-Emulator
Commercial Status: Commercial - Still Copy Protected
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown