ICE Toolkit
The ICE Toolkit provides several new SuperBASIC keywords for writing programs which can read the mouse or mouse pointer from within the ICE pointer environment.
The toolkit contains a full assembler listing of the toolkit itself, plus example routines in SuperBASIC and assembly language to demonstrate how to use the package from either of these languages.
It also includes a simple Icon editor program and also a program to alter the colours on the ICE desktop. The ICON editor uses the button B to set / reset a square (it does not say this!)
We have stored v2.00 of the Toolkit which was updated to be able to work with the Mouse version of ICE.
Title: ICE Toolkit
Language: SuperBASIC
Author: David T. Jones
Publisher: Eidersoft
Year of Publication: 1985
Price May 1986: Unknown
Reviews: Unknown
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and q-emulator with ICE
Commercial Status: Commercial
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown