

The following is intended to be a full list of all the platforms which run Sinclair QL's QDOS or newer operating system, with links to pages within this wiki.

Q40 - a complete QL replacement computer using the Motorola 68040
Q60 - a complete QL replacement computer using the Motorola 68060
Q68 - a complete QL replacement computer using FPGA technology
QDOS4Amiga - emulator for Commodore Amiga
QDOS Classic - emulator for Q40 and Commodore Amiga
QEmulator - emulator for Windows and Apple Macintosh
QL2K - emulator for Windows based on QLAY2
QLAY - emualtor for DOS, Windows and Linux
QLAY2 - emulator for Windows based on QLAY
QLem for Atari - emulator for some Atari ST computers
QPC2 - emulator for Windows based on SMSQ/e operating system

THOR - a range of QL replacement computers.

uQLx - emulator for Windows, Apple Macintosh OS X and Linux/Unix

  • qlwiki/platforms.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
  • by