
QL Invoicer

Packaging for Sinclair QL Invoicer
QL Invoicer is an easy to use menu driven program to allow you to raise invoices against a customer list, and to maintain the sales ledger for a small business.

Oddly, it is written in SuperBASIC, loaded with QLOAD by Liberation Software for speed, and as a result can easily be broken into. The Invoicer automatically posts transactions to the sales ledger file.

The Sales Ledger side of the program has a completely different screen layout to the rest of the program - as it is designed to be used with the other Business program suites from SD Microsystems.

We have preserved v2.3 of the software.

Screenshot of Sinclair QL Invoicer
Title: QL Invoicer
Language: SuperBASIC
Author: Unknown
Publisher: SD Microsystems
Year of Publication: 1988
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and emulators
Commercial Status: Freeware
Price as at June 1988: £Unknown
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Sinclair QL Homepage

  • qlwiki/ql_invoicer.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:22
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