Quill, Easel, Archive & Abacus on the Sinclair QL

Quill, Easel, Archive & Abacus on the Sinclair QL by Alison McCallum-Varey
Quill, Easel, Archive & Abacus on the Sinclair QL is a guide as to how to integrate the four Psion programs supplied with the Sinclair QL, by sharing of data, in order to create powerful results, graphs and notes.

A very useful little guide it, came into its own once more memory was made available for the Sinclair QL, allowing the four programs to be run at the same time (multi-tasked), and it was only really superseded once the Psion Xchange software was made available for the Sinclair QL to run from disk.

Title: Quill, Easel, Archive & Abacus on the Sinclair QL
Author: Alison McCallum-Varey
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Year of Publication: 1984
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at June 1985: £6.95
Reviews: QL User (June 1985)
ISBN: 0-94640-855-6

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