
Terminal Emulator

There appear to have been at least two programs called Terminal Emulator for the Sinclair QL.

One by QCODE and another by Micrologic Consultants.

QCODE's Terminal Emulator

This version is probably one of the most well known terminal emaulators for the Sinclair QL in the early days, supporting file transfer and VT52 emulation.

The program is Preset compatible, which meant that QL users could access one of the largest UK bulletin boards (including Micronet 800). The software stores your logon identity number and supports various Prestel facilities, such as 'reveal' which displayed information hidden on special pages.

The program also includes a built in screen editor which can be used to edit or prpare text.

It was provided with the Miracle Modem and the QL Modaptor.

Title: Terminal Emulator
Language: Unknown
Author: Unknown
Publisher: QCODE
Year of Publication: 1985
Platforms Suitable for: All Sinclair QLs and Compatibles
Commercial Status: Commercial
Price as at April 1985: £15
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown

Micrologic Consultants Terminal Emulator

Details of this version are unknown.

Title: Terminal Emulator
Language: Unknown
Author: Unknown
Publisher: Micrologic Consultants
Year of Publication: Unknown
Platforms Suitable for: Unknown
Commercial Status: Unknown
Price as at April 1985: Unknown
Reviews: Unknown
Sources Available from: n/a
Latest Version available from: Unknown

  • qlwiki/terminal_emulator.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/25 12:21
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