
This is an old revision of the document!

Sinclair QL Wiki

Click here to enter the QL Wiki….

The (old) Sinclair QL Wiki, as created and mostly maintained by Rich of RWAP Software fame, is now living here in its new home under community control. That means, we can all update it, but we must be registered users as only registered users can update the pages.

The top level page in the old Wiki was the one entitled Sinclair QL Home Computer. Click the link below to go there, in the new QL Wiki.

Click here to enter the QL Wiki…

There were, and still are, lots of pages in the old Wiki, which had links to them, from other pages. Those are the missing pages. If you can help create some (or all?) of the missing pages, please take a look at the ToDo page, and follow the instructions there - thanks.

In order to contribute, or edit, pages, you must be a registered user. Click the "Register" button above and fill in your details. Sadly, due to spammers, new registered users are read only - until they are vetted - then they will be given a free upgrade to editorial status.

Once again, a few idiots have spoiled things for the rest of us. :-(

I've created a manual for beginners, and people like me, who forget stuff! It's available from my own web site (there's no downloads page on the Wiki, yet) at Hope you find it useful.

  • start.1667646587.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/05 11:09
  • by